Facelift & Neck Lift

In and around Vancouver, facelift and neck lift procedures help women and men alleviate signs of aging, including sagging skin, jowls, deep creases around the nose and mouth, and general wrinkling and laxity in this area that obscures the contours of the neck and jaw. Dr. Mathew Mosher performs these facial plastic surgery procedures to give the lower portion of the face a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Dr. Mosher had the privilege of completing a prestigious fellowship in Aesthetic Facial Surgery, through which he learned many advanced techniques in facelift surgery. This allows him to tailor your facial rejuvenation procedure to your unique needs, and create results that are natural looking and balanced, yet noticeable. When it comes to your face, be sure to find a plastic surgeon who is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with extensive training and experience, such as Dr. Mosher.

Face Lift & Neck Lift
 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 232 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

This patient visited our office concerned about the aging appearance to his face. His main concern was the skin laxity and deep wrinkles on the lower portion of his face and cheeks.After meeting with Dr. Mosher in consultation, this patient decided to proceed with the recommendation of a standard facelift and fat grafting to the cheeks... Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 91 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

This 64 year old woman came to the office wanting to improve the appearance of her lower face and neck. Over the past two years she had been successful at losing a significant amount of weight. This resulted in a deflated and tired appearance with particularly severe laxity in the neck.  A standard face lift was performed to address... Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 394 Right Side View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 3 of 8

This 58 year old woman was looking to rejuvenate her facial appearance. she was mainly concerned with here lower face and neck laxity.In consultation with Dr. Mosher a standard facelift was recommended. A standard facelift addresses the lower half of the face and small portion of the upper neck. Results were documented with... Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 93 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

This 60 year old man came to the office wanting to rejuvenate his facial appearance.Procedures performed were a browlift, upper and lower blepharoplasty and facelift. The facelift was  able to address the heaviness in the jaw line and neck and leave him with a more defined jawline. He has been extremely happy with his results.... Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 115 View #1 View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

This 60 year old woman was looking for a long term solution to her facial aging.  She had laxity and excess skin on both the lower and upper eyelids. Her lower face had some deepening of the nasolabial folds and down turning of the mouth corners as well as jowling with laxity along the jaw line.In order to refresh her appearance a... Read More
Before & After Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Case 275 Front View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 6 of 8

This 59 year old woman came to us wanting to discuss options for facial rejuvenation. She felt that the heaviness to her upper eyelids and general facial aging made her look tired.During examination she was found to be a good candidate for surgery and a combination of surgeries were offered to her to achieve her goals; and the risks an... Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 505 Front View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 7 of 8

This patient was bothered by the laxity and general tone in her skin, the fullness under her eyes and the sagging of her jowls. She would like to feel more refreshed.Dr. Mosher performed a short scar facelift, temporal brow lift and bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty. Photos were taken 7 months after surgery.  Read More
Before & After Face Lift & Neck Lift Case 296 Front View in Vancouver, BC
Before & After
Case: 8 of 8

This 62 year old gentleman came in to the office to discuss facial rejuvenation. He is bothered by the heaviness in the lower face and neck and an overall sense of premature facial aging. After discussing the options, outcomes and risks of surgeries to improve on the patients concerns, a customized face lift with lower face and ne... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

If you live in or around Vancouver and a face lift or neck lift is something you are considering,  request a consultation with Dr. Mosher at YES Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery Centre in Langley. He and his experienced staff will discuss all of your surgical and non-surgical options with you, and recommend a satisfying approach to achieving the look you want.

Your British Columbia Facelift Options

Traditional Facelift

In years past, facelift surgery involved simply lifting and tightening the skin of the lower face, which could result in a pulled or “worked on” appearance. Newer techniques allow for much more natural results, which look better and may last longer than with previous approaches.

During your facelift procedure, Dr. Mosher will make very fine incisions in front of and around the ear, which are concealed within the hair line. He will separate the skin from the subcutaneous layers, and tighten the deeper facial tissues for improved tone. He will reposition underlying fat and tissue to a more youthful placement, then re-drape the remaining skin and trim away the excess.

Endoscopic Midface Lift

This approach, also called a cheek lift, can lift sagging cheeks, smooth out nasolabial folds or marionette lines, and elevate the corners of your mouth. It is performed using a tiny fiber optic lens inserted through half-inch incisions placed inconspicuously in your mouth and temple. Dr. Mosher will carefully reposition the sagging fat pads to their more youthful placement on the cheekbones, resulting in a subtle lift to the face. Endoscopic technology allows for minimal visible scarring, and a shorter, more comfortable recovery.

Mini or Short Scar Facelift

This is a more limited version of the traditional facelift, which smoothes and tightens the nasolabial folds, jowls and neck through a smaller incision. This approach is good for women with some laxity in the lower face, whose skin is still somewhat elastic and does not display excessive sagging. Through the smaller incision in the temple area, Dr. Mosher lifts the skin and repositions and tightens the underlying tissues. The surgical and recovery time with this procedure is somewhat shorter than with traditional facelift surgery.

Neck Lift

If sagging and laxity are limited to the neck area, a neck lift may be all that is required. This procedure involves an incision under the chin, through which the excess fat is removed and the neck muscles are tightened. Excess skin also may be trimmed away to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. A neck lift can be performed alone or in conjunction with facelift or other facial rejuvenation procedures.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost Near Vancouver?

The price for facelift surgery varies with the surgical technique used, whether it is performed along with other procedures, and individual patient needs. We provide a personalized quote as part of the consultation process with Dr. Mosher. Patient financing is an option for qualified applicants who want to have their procedure without putting a strain on their finances. It’s quick and easy to apply.

Dr. Matthew Mosher

Dr. Mathew Mosher

Royal College-Certified Plastic Surgeon

As the Medical Director at YES Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Mosher takes great pride in helping patients understand their procedures, explaining the details and answering questions so that they are confident in their choices. Dr. Mosher and the rest of the experienced team at YES take a personalised approach to patient care utilizing experience and expertise sets them apart.

Meet Dr. Mosher Doctor credentials Doctor credentials

Can Facelift Surgery Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Patients who desire a total facial rejuvenation often have facelift surgery performed along with other procedures. Frequently chosen options include:

Recovery and Results

Recovery varies from patient to patient, and depends on the extent of the face lift procedure you choose. After your outpatient procedure, you will leave our surgery centre with your head and neck lightly wrapped in dressings, which are usually removed the next day. Most patients find that their discomfort is easily managed with oral medications. You will have some swelling and bruising, and sutures that will be removed approximately 10 days after surgery.

Most patients take 10 to 14 days off before returning to work or regular social activities, but sometimes less with the more limited face lift approaches. Your final results will be apparent after approximately 6 weeks, with subtle changes continuing for several months. At this time, many patients choose Medspa services at YES Medspa to enhance their results and maintain optimal skin quality after surgery.

Facelift FAQ

Is facelift surgery safe?

Dr. Mosher has advanced training and extensive experience performing facial plastic surgery. He carefully screens all patients to ensure they are physically and mentally healthy enough for surgery. He performs the procedures in his state-of-the-art on-site surgical facility. Together, these considerations maximize safety and lead to satisfying outcomes for his facelift patients.

How many years younger will I look after the procedure?

After a traditional facelift, Dr. Mosher’s patients typically look 8 to 10 years younger. While the aging process continues, patients continue to look younger than if they had never had the surgery.

Will my scars be noticeable?

Dr. Mosher places facelift incisions within the hairline and natural creases to ensure the resulting scars are not noticeable.

Will anyone be able to tell I’ve had the surgery?

People will likely notice that you look refreshed and more vibrant after your surgery, but the majority will not know why. Dr. Mosher uses advanced facelift techniques that provide very natural-looking results instead of the “windblown” look of many years ago.

Alternative Options

At YES Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery Centre, we offer a broad range of highly effective non-surgical options that you can choose instead of, or in addition to surgery:

YES Medspa

YES Medspa

We offer proven, clinically-tested treatments that renew and refresh your appearance.

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about your options in British Columbia for facelift and neck lift, request a consultation with Dr. Mosher, a plastic surgeon specializing in both surgical and non-surgical options for facial rejuvenation. Or you can call YES Medspa & Cosmetic Surgery Centre at (604) 888-9378 to schedule your appointment.

Worth the Wait

It’s natural to be eager to schedule your procedure once you’ve decided to get plastic surgery. Instead of rushing into the procedure, it’s worth waiting for an exceptional plastic surgeon such as Dr. Mosher who:

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Has earned a reputation for excellent results which has made him one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the Vancouver area

Heart above hands icon

Is dedicated to personalized patient care that consistently exceeds expectations

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Takes the time to understand your individual needs and aesthetic goals

Getting breathtaking results is worth the wait

The best plastic surgeons often have their calendars fill up quickly. Learn more about what to look for when choosing a plastic surgeon.

How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon
Our Surgery & Medspa Office

Our Surgical Centre

Our on-site, state-of-the-art surgical centre is one of only three private ambulatory surgery facilities in the Province that meets the most current Canadian Standards Association standards. Many other private ambulatory surgery centres in the Province continue to operate without restrictions even though they do not meet current CSA standards for environmental safety and control.

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